Legal & General
1st JanuaryFinance and Asset Management Insight Day for Year 12 and 13 students with Legal & General
In true corporate style 35 Harris students were warmly greeted by the Legal and General team on the 8th floor conference room at their Head Office in Moorgate for an Insight Day. Year 12 and 13 Students from 9 of the Harris academies were fortunate to gain a place on the day.
The students really enjoyed the day, which was very well organised and well thought-out. They had speakers from a range of departments within Legal and General. The students then participated in asset management related games. The students particularly enjoyed the role-playing as traders.
To end the day, they were fortunate to have input on CV’s and interview technique from Kelly Liddle and her team of recruitment consultants from Mason Blake. All of the students received a certificate of attendance a photograph was taken of everyone who participated. The feedback from the students was exceptionally positive, please see below just a few of the quotes from the students on completion of the day.
‘A great experience and clear insight into the world of Investment.’
‘The interview and CV session were especially useful. A good day and now have a better understanding of the sector.’
‘Overall day has been great. Loved hearing people’s stories on how they got where they are today.’
It was a lovely day and certainly a day to feel very proud of the students who attended. They behaved impeccably throughout the day.
I would like to say a special thanks to Christine Meredith (LGIM), Joash Buijs (LGIM) and the rest of the LGIM team for making our students feel so welcome and offering them such a fantastic opportunity.